The National Institute of Geographic and Forestry Information (IGN) is the public operator of reference for geographic and forestry information in France. Since 2021, the Institute's public data are freely available on the website and can be viewed on the Géoportail website. All these data are very useful to support public policies: environment, land use planning, sustainable city, risk prevention, agriculture, armies...
In the national strategy for the autonomous vehicle, the IGN is identified as the State's expert for the definition of elements of the cartographic reference frame. As such, the IGN is involved in various projects: standardization work in the field of autonomous vehicles, production of data sets to support experimentation, and leading working groups to establish recommendations.
For the PRISSMA project, the IGN is proposing to carry out on-site trajectory control tests against a reference map to enable external validation of the position of the onboard system. The technical team will rely on precision metrology technologies coupled with an innovative methodology of synchronized sensors. The objective is to characterize the deviations in order to establish criteria for the approval of the entire AI system.